
Hi! I'm Ben Nitkin, and this is my website. You probably guessed the second part, though.

This serves as a project log (blog, really, but that's always sounded like "online diary;" this is an engineer's notepad.) Hopefully, something here will be useful, as reference or otherwise. reference. Maybe we'll do something really cool someday, and this site will be featured somewhere prominent, and we'll run out of bandwidth. Maybe.

The things I write here are usually larger projects. Easy things don't merit the time to write up and document, but it's really nice to have more in-depth things to look back on. I can reflect on how much I've grown, and have a record that'll stick around. (The great thing about the internet is that it never gets buried in the attic like real records do.)

I used to run a website for my high school robotics team, The LigerBots. I built it from the ground-up, writing nearly all of the content. And it won an award! (My site lasted 6 years; they rebuilt it in 2013.)

Anyhow, that hints at my interests. I breathe computers. I develop a ton of websites, mostly using Drupal. I'm familiar with CSS, HTML, and other uppercase acronyms. My machine runs Linux - there's some stuff about that here. 

Outside of computers, I like making things. (That sums me up pretty well.) Woodworking, textiles, cooking - I like taking raw ingredients and making them into something more. I also like taking finished things and taking them to parts

I'm an engineer. Sue me. 

Yes. I'm actually an engineer. I'm studying Electrical and Computer Engineering at Lafayette College.

And that's me. Engineer, tinkerer, and yummy-food-maker.

If you like what you see, have any questions, or think I could help you, feel free to drop me a line